Thursday, February 21, 2013

summer lovin' beach spoilers

Sweet guacamole! Can't wait to take a dip in the not-so-deep waters

Summer. It's almost here.
Can't wait for the summer lovin' fun? Are you now in good shape to wear tankinis and bikinis for the ladies and those hot trunks with matching cool sunglasses for the gents? Bet you are. This is the perfect time to go out: no school, long breaks and stuff. The idea of how ready you are can be seen through those big colorful bags [or luggage]. But are you ready enough to survive the summer heat?

Commonly, the beach is one awesome place to be during summer. The Philippines has much to offer in terms of beaches. Price ranges from moderately cheap to grandiose. Well, regardless of the location, the price and its amenities... beaches are natural home to unwanted [read: scary] water creatures, who are also taking their breaks. Sometimes, shore cleaning ups and stuff doesn't do the trick in preventing them from mingling with the beach lovers. Why don't we check them out and meet some of the sea creatures you wouldn't want to be around as you enjoy your break?

Sea Anemones lie from shallow to deep waters, with their friendly coral pals and clownfishes 
He's Nemo's very best friend, sure... but not yours. Sea anemones might look harmless, but they are one of those contact irritants that could make your skin itchy. These colorful cnidarians dwell on tropical reefs so if you seem to be much interested in snorkeling and diving, you know what to avoid.

The stings of these jellies can cause lingering pain. Worse, they can sting even they're dead @___@ 

Jellies. Squishy, but definitely stingy. There are reports showing jellyfish attacks in some beaches. Their threadlike tentacles contain nematocyts which pierce the skin and inject venom. If left unguarded, it can paralyze its victim and produce tingling to painful stings [that can lead to death, depending on the species]

You will never have any problem with Sea Urchins, just DONT STEP ON IT.

Running on the beach barefooted? Its a no-no when Sea Urchins invade the sands of your target vacation haven. These creatures can release their quills fast and has the ability to get into your skin deep. So beware.

There's much more to these three fun spoilers out there in the shore. Now you get to see what they look like, we know what to do to avoid them [and of course, avoid them as much as possible]

How I see the beach spoilers?
I would want to take them home as pets but I can't. Nah, just kidding.
I've seen a lot of these in real life and as far as I can remember, I have avoided them. They won't hurt you if you keep your distance from them. In case you have an accident involving these, seek immediate medical attention. And to be safe, do not swim/stroll/wander around alone. Take a buddy with you. Have fun!

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